January 16, 2010

In Need of a Little Support

Reaching the one month mark of my time working with the people in Rwanda has already given me many life changing experiences and a glimpse of just how poor our world really is. It’s been an incredible adventure thus far and I cannot wait to see what the Lord has planned for the remaining 2 months.  Since we have been here our team of 9 has been able to help and minister to many different types and groups of people. We have done work with orphans, widows, HIV victims, prostitutes, minority tribes  and various churches. As we were speaking with a group of prostitutes in the inner city of Kigali I couldn’t help but think how these women look no different from the rest of the people  I pass by on the street and never think twice about. Why is it so easy to miss or turn a blind eye to the people that are hurting the most? I am so thankful for the compassion these local organizations show for their people everyday.


I now know why people ask me to bring them home a little African kid, I think this one broke my heart!

Looking into the future we have a change in plans as which other countries we will be working in. Originally Tanzania  to the east has now been changed with Burundi to the south. Many factors and prayer came into making this big of a decision, and we as a team are very excited and unified in the decision to go serve the people of this country. I will give more information soon on the ministries and condition of Burundi so check back for an update on that. Also much to my personal interest and the opportunity presented to us we will be heading to the Smithers Children's Village in Uganda late February. This is the village that was built a few years ago by the support from the Smithers and Telkwa citizens and has a population of about 150. The small facility brings much needed health care to the AIDS-orphaned children who live there.

But in order to continue doing my work  here in Eastern Africa I am in great need of financial support. Will you help me by giving? This money will go towards many different worthy causes here in Rwanda, Burundi, and Uganda.  If you would like a tax deductible receipt you can send a check to Smithers Evangelical Free Church at Box 804, Smithers, B.C. V0J 2N0 Canada. Please be sure to put Kevin Huisman – YWAM in the memo section.

If you do not need a tax deductible receipt and would like to give via credit card or email transfer you can do that by clicking on the “DONATE” link on the left and follow the instructions to securely give quickly online. Cash funds can be giving to my Mother who will make sure the money gets to where it should be going.

Prayer is always appreciate so please continue to pray for the support I need to for the work I am doing here. Thank you to those that have already given so much! Feel free to email me any questions or comments at kevinhuisman@live.ca. God Bless you and have a great New Year.


Eating Beans goes on the list as I learned how much effort it takes to get them on the table!

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