I’m back ! Sooner then normal I know but it has been such an incredible week I need to express my feelings on it while its still fresh. The week started with a trip to the outskirts of Rwanda where I got to see the jungle and the REAL Africa for the first time. Unfortunately I forgot to bring my camera. Because of that I’ve now decide to become a Chinese tourist and take pictures of EVERYTHING! My FLICKR will be seeing the effects of that. I apologies for not having many photos of me, It’s one downside of being the photographer but I am currently trying to teach some people how to use my SLR.
Isaac handing out food and our Widows Ministry
Tuesday we did home visits to HIV + Widows, one of the ladies had 3 children of which one is also infected. She was at home because they didn’t not have the money to pay for all 3 kids school fees. It cost about $300.00 CAN for a full years tuition. The Organization APRECOM which we do our visits with supports about 100 local kids to get primary education every year. On Wednesday I was asked by the Arise and Shine Pre & Primary School to help set up some newly donated computers they received. I spent most of the day fixing small problems and installing easy and educational programs I downloaded free from the web. (they didn’t have a budget for software) Thursday we set up an event at a local church where we invited 50 needy widows to come and receive some food. We spoke with the group and did some small performances before handing out over 400 kilos of rice, bean, sugar, and cooking oil. The Church had a worship service after our program and many of the women made a new commitment to Christ. It was very awesome to see God work in the lives of these women.
Friday gets its own paragraph because it was probably my favorite day so far in Africa. In the morning I worked again with the Arise and Shine school showing there teachers how to use a typing and geography program. While I was doing that our team was painting some new bathrooms for the school, I think I got the better end of the deal that day! Then in the afternoon we went to visit the TWA TRIBE at their pottery shop and were able to watch them perform a traditional dance for us. Click below to see a short video David recorded!
Twa Tribal Dance
As for my “appreciate more” section, I realize today’s isn’t that out of the norm for some people in Canada. I put a Dryer on the list because the I did take for granted the convenience of only needing an hour for my clothes to go from wet to wearable. The first time I hand washed my clothes and left them on the clothesline to dry a sudden downpour of rain (which are very common here) came and rinsed away the clean fragrance and left only the smell of mildew. So think twice when you pull your clothes out of the dryer and it’s got that Bounce Fresh!
* Side Note: If anyone knows a way to get some educational Microsoft programs for the school please e-mail me at kevinhuisman@live.ca
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