January 23, 2010

“The Air Up There”

It feels strange to say that the last week has been very normal, but maybe that’s because our norm has been doing different and impactful things everyday! On Monday the 18th we visited an amazing woman at her home. A widow infected by HIV with 5 of her own children has taken it about herself to adopt 2 more orphans off the street. We were visiting her to encourage and give her food, but she gave us so much more in return. I left her house with the realization that the trouble in my life should never be an excuse from helping others and making a positive difference, just like this woman has taken in the 2 kids.

Wednesday morning we met again with a support group for women trying to get out of prostitution. We heard some very powerful testimonies and were able to share a little of Gods love and buy a few necklaces they had made. The church that runs this group teaches the women how to make jewelry so they can sell it as a means to support their fatherless children. If anyone would like me to bring them home a necklace to support these women please email me so we can communicate that.  kevinhuisman@live.ca


The Women selling me their hand made Jewelry

In other news I was introduced to a pick-up basketball league that plays everyday very close to our base. This is great because whenever I have a little free time I can walk up the street and play some ball. The first time I went was definitely the most surreal moment of my being in Africa. The dirt court, bare rims, and deteriorating backboard was like something straight out of a movie.  Being the only white person there didn’t make the situation any more comfortable for me to play my best. The opening game I traveled, double dribbled, fouled, over & back, and passed to the wrong team 3 times – because I couldn’t tell who was on my team and who wasn’t! I looked and felt like the typical westerner trying to fit in. But once I memorized who was on my team, got a feel for the rugged ball and stiff rims all those years playing high school basketball came back. My team won the next 4 games straight and I was the leading scorer and rebounder. They were so impressed by my strength on the ball they asked if I played rugby! I left that day feeling happy that I could gain the respect of the locals and not just be the foreign guy who is here temporarily to give aid.


Child of a Women involved in Prostitution

Once again I will appreciate cooking food more when I return home. Being able to go to Safeway and pick up a pound of beef well never be taken for granted again. Although I grew up on a farm and have butchered cows before, needing to cut and cook all the meat for 100 kids the morning of is something I never have done before.


Thank You Hammings Bucher Shop!

1 comment:

Nathan Huisman said...

Bro, ever heard of passing the ball? Just like in high school....