August 1, 2013

Counting the Costs

Any experience like this costs something; whether it be stamina, patience, finances, or emotional energy. I take this into account as I prepare to depart. I do not embark on this journey with haste. Rather, much prayer and consideration preceded my decision to go. I questioned whether this was a worthy way to use my time and money? Was this the right program for me? Can I justify the travel expenses and potential cultural blunders? Will God be honoured in my going? Am I already doing here what I am wanting to do over there? Is it healthy to leave a certain relationship for so long?

These were important questions for me to wrestle through and I learned much more then expected from the decision making process itself. The outcome of this reflection allows me now to stand confident in spending my final year of college abroad. I fully believe it is worth the cost.

Convincing myself this program has value will strengthen me through trials but also gives me the audacity to petition input from you. I think what I am doing is important; important enough to ask for help. My pride resists the notion of assistance and my ego petitions for self-reliance. I am told everywhere independence is a virtue. “You can do it on your own.” Unfortunately, this message conflicts with my following Jesus. The imagery of Christ’s Church being one body shatters my argument for autonomy. |In first Corinthians 12:12 states, “If all were a single member, where would the body be?”

I cannot live the Christian life alone; nor should I. Being interdependent offers  far more benefits than barriers. For example, I become accountable to those who support me. If I am being irresponsible, it is not just my money and time being wasted but others as well. This accountability is added incentive to steward well what I have been given. I hope that I can be a blessing to you and others through my desire to serve God on this global practicum. Please, count the costs with me and decide for yourself what your role is; I challenge you to be honest and allow yourself to work in conjunction with your spiritual body.

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