February 11, 2011

A Wee Bit of a Detour

So when we were in Timaru we only had one major place left to see in NZ before we left, Christchurch, and we had 2 weeks to get there. So with the weather being not nice we knew we would be guaranteed some amazing weather up north back in the Able Tasman/Nelson area. So we made a decision to flip a coin to either stay south (heads) or go north (tails, and sure enough "tails never fails!" We were headed north...

So after a few solid days of driving we made it north, we spent a couple days in Able Tasman area and a couple days in Nelson area. We got our van's radiator cleaned in Richmond, having some serious over-heating issues with the hot weather. Then it was south again along the East Coast towards Christchurch. Made a small detour to Hammer Springs and had a night in cabin, out of the van, which was awesome!

So finally on February 11th, after 1600 kilometers, a drive that is only a 160 km usually we arrived in Christchurch, the destination with a few big plans...

Lates, N8

PS. Oh I should mention, that I did get extremely lazy on the photo dept. during these 2 weeks or so, I apologize but I promise to pull up my socks for the next few and final posts, thanks!

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