Hi Everyone, Nathan here,
So as we know, all good things must come to an end, and without a doubt this trip, this adventure, this experience for both of us brothers was a good thing. And now it must come to an end, but we don't want to end it off with just some lame, cliché, boring ending. We both want to do something to thank all of you, yes you the readers, for your support and encouragement and everything you have done for us on this journey. So here is 2 things we want to do for you; first: on this trip we took gigabytes and gigabytes of photos. And of course all of these couldn't make it on the blog or on either Kevin's or my Flickr accounts. So I've found the "rejected" and "unusable" photos that were taken and never saw the light of day. This second part I will let Kevin present to you later on. So this is my gift to you, enjoy:
A photograph of a photograph taken a Museum Exhibit about media deception.
Location: Munich, Germany
An example of the panorama-esque days we had, back to back on our road trip.
Location: Outside Gothenburg, Sweden
Kevin found someone who would walk him across the street safely.
The city of Kamloops at night, the last few days of our trip.
Location: Skettens, Holland
Our dutch tour guide for Friesland, Auntie Audrie Okkema. She was awesome and took us to a pretty stereotypical windmill sawmill, where this photo was taken.
Location: Somewhere in Friesland, Holland
The parliament buildings in the centre of Copenhagen.
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
A gondola ride up Mount Pilatus overlooking the green rolling hills that are Switzerland.
Location: Lucerne, Switzerland
The sunset one October day outside our YWAM school.
Location: Burtigny, Swizterland
Well, if you made it this far, I am impressed. Thanks for your dedication to the blog and to our trip, means a lot! I should mention that this may not be the last of Two Brothers Travels, we have some ideas up our sleeves so keep your eye open.
I also think it would be really awesome for everyone who read this blog to comment on this post just saying who they are and where they are reading it from. I know we had people from a few continents and it would be really cool to see everyone who read it. Thanks Again and Ciao for now.
Lindy Peterson-Edmonton AB
Well done Nathan and Kevin!!!
Ouch... not a lot of people made it to the end of your post Nate... At least it's one more comment than Kevin had on his last post, which was..ehm... zero eh!
Well, this one is for you both:
I, Johnny Koster, from the Kingdom of the Netherlands, have enjoyed reading about your adventures and getting to know you guys in Switzerland. You left me with good memories, so I hope we will all meet again one day. Do you think you might visit Holland again one day?
Much love, really, much manly love to you both, Nathan & Kevin, eh.
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