May 21, 2011

We're Not in Kansas Anymore

Shalom in the home.
What is the difference between a Roman theatre and amphitheatre? This is something I learned over the coarse of the last three days in Israel. The country is thick with history. Every city, road, lake, and mountain holds significance. By connecting three continents together–Asia, Europe, and Africa–Israel is situated in prime trade real-estate. Since 1900 B.C. this strip of land has been controlled by 11 different empires, each adding there own influences on the region. Ancient ruins are everywhere, archaeology is finding more and more sites each day proving these discoveries are just the beginning.

Being able to connect the dots and put places to names has been a highlight of the trip for me. While writing a paper on Luke's political agenda of the gospel last semester I studied in depth Paul's speeches before Roman rulers. Being able to stand on the same stage as Paul did while delivering these speeches was surreal. It will take some time for me to be able to really appreciate this experience completely.
Caesarean Architecture.
I do not wish to overbear anyone so I will not go into detail on the locations of each day. What I can say is that we have spent the last three days in the area surrounding the Sea of Galilee, the northern part of Israel. Interestingly this is were the Lebanese and Syrian border are. If you have been following the news you will know of the tension with Lebanon and the current uprising in Syria, you may also have hear of the recent border crossing attempts made on May 14th. Unfortunately 15 Arabs were killed while making aggressive attempts to cross into Israelite territory. Yesterday we were able to see one of the border locations where this went down. It is very foreign for me hear of people willing to die to get back into "their" land. Once again travelling has given me a better appreciation for the country I grew up in.
The landscape around the Sea of Galilee.

Boating across the sea, looking back at the city of Tiberias where we stayed. And trust me, there were enough walking on water jokes from Theo over the past 2 days!

On the agenda for the next few days is a trip down to the Dead Sea and a much anticipated stop at Qumran to see where the Dead Sea Scrolls where discovered. Please enjoy the photos and feel free to comments. It is alway good to hear from you too!

Oh and an amphitheatre is an enclosed circle like the Colosseum in Rome where a theatre is not.


1 comment:

Lindy said...

So wonderful to hear of your travels as usual, it sounds spectacular. The photos are absolutely stunning! I can imagine that it is almost surreal as you feel like you are on a virtual tour of the places in the bible. Such an amazing adventure! Thanks for sharing it with us.