Representing the Great White North with Nathan's Jays Hat
Hey every one! How is the snow treating you back home. Its getting really difficult to hear all your stories about snowboarding and snowmobiling so I would appreciate it if you STOP IT. This will be the first time I will have Christmas without snow, but I think I'll manage. In different news I turned 22 this past week on Nov. 24th and lets just say I don't feel a whole lot different. It was great that Nathan made it back to Burtigny in time to have ice cream and chocolate with me and my class. Its very cool we both got to have our birthdays here and make those memories together. It was also really funny to think back to my 21st birthday and see how different this one was. (Those of you that were there can understand) But non the less it was a great day and an even greater week. I got a lot done with Nathan here and we managed to set up a facebook application called "Causes" I sent all my facebook friends an invitation so if you get a chance to check it out its really well done with some videos and great information. Message me if you never received an invitation online.
Our Photographer Cliff Thought these Would Bring some Unity to the Group;
Visa Photo Mergers, Tanja/Kevin
Haha and yes I am going to talk about Africa again. Its been a ton of work planning this trip and I have something I really want to share with you. We are going to the Smithers Uganda Orphanage in February!! Very excited. As a continent Africa has been given more money in aid then any other on earth. With this money you would think the standard of living and effects of disease would be subsiding, but the true and unpleasant answer is Africa is poorer now then it was 50 years ago. This is the tragic reality of our world today. A solution to this problem that I agree with is that we need to approach these poor and desperate countries not with our check books but with our hearts. We need to teach and train the people of Africa to run their governments and schools with integrity and accountability. Demonstrate compassion and mercy to their sick and poor by helping them in the most practical ways; teaching them to be healthy and how to be self sustainable with the resources around them. To truly make a difference we need to actually go and serve them, I am asking for your support in my decision to go into these hurt and suffering counties where people are living on less then it costs to buy a cup of coffee a day at Tim Hortons.
I will need to raise $4000 in support by January 2010. This financial support will fund everything from my flights, visa and vaccinations to building and medical supplies for the people and orphans at Smithers Uganda. I especially ask if you would include my trip in your daily prayers, there are so many areas that need prayer and guidance. Being united with you back home through prayer will bring great encouragement to me in the missions field. I will consistently update prayer concerns on my blog. Another big help to me is that you tell others about what I am doing overseas and spread awareness for need in these countries. If you would like to give financially you may send a check to my mother at 7996 Yellich Rd Smithers B.C. V0J 2N2. Or you may simple click on the “Donate” button on the top of this page. (It uses Paypal to give securely by Credit card or bank account directly to m cause) If you would like to commit to praying for me through out this trip or have any questions or comments please feel free to email me at kevinhuisman@live.ca Thank you very much for reading this blog and I hope to hear from you soon.
David/Deborah (These are all but one of my Classmates, Benjamin)
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